CEI Productive Use Outcome-Based Grant

Call for Green Mini-Grid Developers

Apply starting on September 5, 2023

CEI Africa invites green mini-grid developers to apply for
outcome-based grants that subsidize the implementation of PUE strategies connected to
operating GMGs in the target countries: Kenya, Uganda, DRC, Cameroon, Sierra Leone,
Madagascar, Mali and Benin. Partnerships with PUE providers, distributors, and manufacturers
are encouraged. CEI Africa anticipates launching the official call for pre-qualification in the 8
countries on 5th September 2023.

The application process will follow a two-step process:

1) Pre-qualification

2) Proposal stage

Grants may be used to write down CAPEX, reduce financing costs, subsidize logistics, etc.
Applications will be evaluated based on the cost effectiveness of the business plan to achieve
various outcomes: such as reduced household/SME expense, increase in incomes, support for
women entrepreneurs, etc. Outcomes will be verified via lean data surveys that trigger grant
payments 6 and 12 months after implementation (40%; 25% respectively), while 35% of the
grant will be disbursed on verified equipment delivery/installation.

The call is open to all renewable energy technologies given they have been deployed in the
market, among other considerations. Specific product requirements will be shared during the
upcoming call for proposals.

Get notified when the program goes live by signing up for our newsletter.

Productive use
Democratic Republic of Congo
Sierre Leone

Objectifs et Résultats

Indicateurs Usage Productif:

Entreprises (clients finaux) avec accès décentralisé à l’énergie

Objectif: 300
Atteint: 141
Femmes: 43

Entrepreneurs assistés techniquement

Objectif: 400
Atteint: 344
Femmes: 191

Institutions Sociales

Institutions sociales électrifiées

Objectif: 50
Atteint: 25

Institutions sociales appuyées ou conseillées

Objectif: 70
Atteint: 25

Cadre règlementaire

Aspect du cadre réglementaire amélioré

Objectif: 1
Atteint: 0


Promoteurs de projet d’énergies renouvelables accompagné

Objectif: 6
Atteint: 8

Projets d’énergies renouvelables soumis pour financement

Objectif: 2
Atteint: 0


Expert·e·s du secteur formé·e·s

Objectif: 50
Atteint: 25
Femmes: 7

Expert·e·s appliquant le savoir-faire acquis

Objectif: 25
Atteint: 19
Femmes: 5

Objectifs et Résultats


Entrepreneurs avec accès à l’énergie
(>30% femmes)

Objectif: 200
Atteint: 154

Entrepreneurs assistés techniquement
(>30% femmes)

Objectif: 200
Atteint: 333

Entrepreneurs recevant du crédit

Objectif: 100
Atteint: 6

Institutions Sociales

Institutions sociales électrifiées

Objectif: 60
Atteint: 0

Institutions sociales appuyées ou conseillées

Objectif: 100
Atteint: 124


Experts appliquant le savoir-faire acquis (>30% femmes)

Objectif: 100
Atteint: 210

Centres de formations avec programmes d’études améliorés

Objectif: 3
Atteint: 5

Enseignants formés (>30% femmes)

Objectif: 20
Atteint: 70

Experts formés (>30% femmes)

Objectif: 200
Atteint: 322 (256H, 66F)


Aspect du cadre amélioré

Objectif: 1
Atteint: 1


Développeurs de projet soumettant
pour financement

Objectif: 13
Atteint: 9


Nombre de connexions

Objectif: 4.000
Atteint: 0

Villages électrifiés

Objectif: 20
Atteint: 0

Acteurs locaux

Projets par des acteurs locaux financés

Objectif: 3
Atteint: 2

Coming Soon

CEI Productive Use Outcome-Based Grant

Call for Green Mini-Grid Developers

Apply starting on September 5, 2023

CEI Africa invites green mini-grid developers to apply for
outcome-based grants that subsidize the implementation of PUE strategies connected to
operating GMGs in the target countries: Kenya, Uganda, DRC, Cameroon, Sierra Leone,
Madagascar, Mali and Benin. Partnerships with PUE providers, distributors, and manufacturers
are encouraged. CEI Africa anticipates launching the official call for pre-qualification in the 8
countries on 5th September 2023.

The application process will follow a two-step process:

1) Pre-qualification

2) Proposal stage

Grants may be used to write down CAPEX, reduce financing costs, subsidize logistics, etc.
Applications will be evaluated based on the cost effectiveness of the business plan to achieve
various outcomes: such as reduced household/SME expense, increase in incomes, support for
women entrepreneurs, etc. Outcomes will be verified via lean data surveys that trigger grant
payments 6 and 12 months after implementation (40%; 25% respectively), while 35% of the
grant will be disbursed on verified equipment delivery/installation.

The call is open to all renewable energy technologies given they have been deployed in the
market, among other considerations. Specific product requirements will be shared during the
upcoming call for proposals.

Get notified when the program goes live by signing up for our newsletter.

You will submit required documents within the DREAM Portal of Odyssey once you have been registered.

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