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DREAM Invitation for Bid - Irrigation Field Risers

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In Partnership with The Rockefeller Foundation, the African Development Bank through the Sustainable Energy Fund for Africa (SEFA), and the Agricultural Transformation Energy (ATA), The Ministry of Water and Energy (MoWE) of Ethiopia has launched a agricultural productive use focused project named Distributed Renewable Energy-Agriculture Modalities (DREAM). 

The DREAM project is expected to transform household farmer-based Agricultural Commercial Clusters (ACCs) by providing reliable and affordable solar mini-grid power to enable large-scale cluster irrigation farming throughout the year.

As part of the project, the Agricultural Transformation Institute of Ethiopia will be inviting bids for the supply and delivery of one Field Riser with all necessary components.

DART Equipment Financing Facility Nigeria

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The DART program aims to accelerate the growth of the renewable energy sector in Nigeria and beyond by combining demand pooling and aggregated purchasing of solar equipment, access to affordable finance, and coordinated logistics processes to unlock economies of scale for solar companies that will achieve cost savings on the overall project capex for developers.Pioneered by 3 industry collaborators, GEAPP, Odyssey & AllOn, The DART program has proven in the last executed round to provide key benefits for developers including but not limited to;

Cost reduction from bulk purchase
Best delivery and warranty payment terms
Faster delivery due to streamlined logistics
Lower capex and higher IRR for safer investment
Good partnership with global OEMs and stockist
Financing availability for immediate procurement

CEI Standalone Productive Use Grant

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CEI Africa invites green PUE distributors to apply for outcome-based grants that subsidize the implementation of standalone PUE strategies  in the Kenya.

P-RECs Financing

Central African Republic
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Innovative Finance: Energy Peace Partners is developing the Peace Renewable Energy Credit (P-REC) as a new financing solution that will accelerate the transition to renewables in conflict-affected settings. PRECs monetize renewable energy generated in fragile states in order to meet increasing corporate commitments to sustainability and social responsibility. This extends mature international REC markets into crisis contexts and increases financial incentives for renewable energy development. PRECs support both public and private sector actors to introduce clean energy solutions that deliver tangible benefits to communities affected by conflict.


Democratic Republic of Congo
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Dedicated financing facility for Commercial and Industrial solar projects in Nigeria. This financing opportunity from Trine is debt facility for C&I Solar projects in Nigeria. Project developers can now directly apply for financing from Trine for their C&I projects on the Odyssey platform.

REA NEP Performance Based Grant (PBG)

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Implemented in partnership with the World Bank, the Mini Grid Performance-Based Grants (PBG) Program aims to close the viability gap for mini grids developed on a spontaneous basis. Grants of US $350/connection are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Eligible projects are solar and solar hybrid systems in unserved areas, with generation capacity of not more than 1MW.

Programme Haïtien d’Accès des communautés Rurales à l’Energie Solaire (PHARES)

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Le Programme PHARES (Programme Haïtien d’Accès des communautés Rurales à l’Energie Solaire) est lancé par le Gouvernement Haïtien avec l’appui initial des programmes de financement HA-L1140-Amélioration de l’Access à l’électricité en Haïti financé par la Banque Interaméricaine de Développement (BID), et TF0A5191-Projet Energie Renouvelable pour Tous financé par le fonds SREP à travers la Banque Mondiale (BM).

PHARES est développé par le Gouvernement Haïtien en étroite collaboration avec la BID et la BM, et mis en œuvre par le Ministère des Travaux Publics, Transports et Communications (MTPTC), à travers sa Cellule Energie qui est l’Autorité compétente à mener le Programme, l’Autorité Nationale de Régulation du Secteur de l’Energie (ANARSE) et l’Unité Technique d’Exécution du Ministère de l’Economie et des Finances (UTE-MEF), comme agence d’exécution1.

L’objectif principal de PHARES est d’augmenter l’accès des communautés rurales et péri-urbaines à l’énergie solaire et en particulier de fournir l’accès à l’électricité abordable, accessible, durable et de haute qualité, par des services énergétiques durables, à travers de mini-réseaux utilisant des énergies renouvelables, du stockage et des unités de production conventionnelles (si nécessaire), et développés et exploités par des opérateurs du secteur privé. Dans ce mix, au moins 50 % de l’énergie produite et consommée doit être générée à partir des énergies renouvelables. Le programme prévoit l’attribution de subventions pour assurer la durabilité des services fournis et un accès à ces services à des coûts abordables pour les utilisateurs.

The PHARES Program (Programme Haïtien d’Accès des communautés Rurales à l’Energie Solaire) is launched by the Government of Haiti with the initial support of the funding programs HA-L1140-Improving Electricity Access in Haiti funded by the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), and TF0A5191- Renewable Energy for All Project funded by SREP funds through the World Bank (WB).

PHARES is developed by the Government of Haiti in close collaboration with the IDB and the WB, and implemented by the Ministère des Travaux Publics, Transports et Communications (MTPTC), through its Energy Cell which is the competent Authority to carry out the Program, the Autorité Nationale de Régulation du Secteur de l’Energie (ANARSE) and the Unité Technique d’Exécution of the Ministère de l’Economie et des Finances (UTE-MEF), as executing agency.

The main objective of PHARES is to increase the access of rural and peri-urban communities to solar energy and in particular to provide access to affordable, accessible sustainable and high quality electricity, through sustainable energy services, through mini-grids using renewable energy, storage and conventional generation units (if necessary), developed and operated by private sector operators. In this mix, at least 50% of the energy produced and consumed must be generated from renewable energy sources. The Program provides subsidies to ensure the sustainability of the services provided and access to these services at affordable cost for the users.

African Development Bank (AfDB) Minimum Subsidy Tender

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The Mini-Grid Minimum Subsidy Tender aims to kick-start the Nigerian market and catalyze mini-grid deployment at scale. Mini-grid developers will compete on the basis of quality (technical proposal) and price (minimum subsidy requirement) to build, own, and operate solar hybrid mini-grids. The REA will provide the minimum subsidies required to the successful proposers. The REA has selected 150 sites to be tendered for in the First Round. These sites have been packaged into 7 lots that are spread across seven States.

REA Interconnected Mini-grid Acceleration Scheme (IMAS)

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The IMAS aims at providing a minimum of 75,000 people or 15,000 customers (incl. residential, public, commercial or productive users using single phase or three-phase effective connections ) with access to reliable electricity services at an affordable tariff via privately-led solar interconnected mini grid projects in Nigeria by September 2020. The selected bidders will be supported with partial capital (in-kind) grants and technical assistance on project development provided by the REA (using funding from NESP).

BRILHO Energy Mozambique

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BRILHO is a five-year programme, 2019 – 2024, that will catalyse Mozambique’s off-grid energy market in order to provide clean and affordable energy solutions to the country’s off-grid population. BRILHO’s overall goal is to improve and increase energy access for people and businesses, leading to money saving, better well-being and livelihood opportunities for the low income population.

REA Mini-grid Acceleration Scheme

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The Mini-grid Acceleration Scheme (MAS) will aim at providing a minimum of 21,000 customers (including residential, public, commercial or productive users using single phase or three-phase effective connections) with access to reliable electricity services at an affordable tariff via privately-led off-grid solar mini-grid projects in Nigeria by the end of July 2020. MAS focuses on productive use business models.

Universal Energy Facility (UEF) Stand-alone Solar for Productive Use (SSPU)

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The Stand-alone Solar for Productive Use (SSPU) component of the Universal Energy Facility (UEF) is designed to scale up electricity access to households, micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) to power their income generating activities.
The SSPU programme offers results-based grant payments to eligible solar companies for verified end-user connections based on pre-determined standards. The programme will only support solar companies that provide end-user connections using the energy-as-a-service or lease-to-own business models.
The objectives of the SSPU programme includes:

Achieve over 480,000 end-user connections by scaling up the adoption of stand-alone solar systems and helping to alleviate the challenge of making upfront outright payment for MSMEs through sustainable business models.
De-risk investments in solar companies by supporting the expansion of their business operations through grant payments that can serve as a blended finance mechanism to crowd-in additional private capital.
Support Nigeria’s Energy Transition by displacing fuel generators and scaling up access to clean electricity for small businesses and households

The Nigeria Electrification Project – Minimum Subsidy Tender

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Implemented in partnership with the World Bank, the Mini Grid Minimum Subsidy Tender aims to kick-start the Nigerian market and catalyze mini grid deployment at scale. Mini grid developers will compete on the basis of quality (technical proposal) and price (minimum subsidy requirement) to build, own, and operate solar hybrid mini grids. The REA will provide the minimum subsidies required to the successful proposers. The REA has prioritized 250 sites to be tendered, spread across four states: Niger, Sokoto, Ogun, and Cross River states.

OMDF Off-Grid Market Development Fund (OMDF)

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OMDF or the Off-Grid Markets Development Fund provides financing to private sector companies and institutions working in the distribution of solar products (pico products and solar home systems) with the objective of accelerating access to sustainable electricity in Madagascar.

GBE Benin Productive Use RBF

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La GBE offre aux entreprises participantes des incitations financières (un type de subventions) pour chaque équipement productif éligible dont le système d’alimentation est en énergie renouvelable, vendu et installé aux clients finaux selon une approche commerciale. Les incitations sont payées après que les ventes sont rapportées et vérifiées (approche basée sur les résultats).

CEI Productive Use Outcome-Based Grant

Democratic Republic of Congo
Sierre Leone
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CEI Africa invites green mini-grid developers to apply for outcome-based grants that subsidize the implementation of PUE strategies connected to operating GMGs in the target countries: Kenya, Uganda, DRC, Cameroon, Sierra Leone, Madagascar, Mali and Benin. Partnerships with PUE providers, distributors, and manufacturers are encouraged. CEI Africa anticipates launching the official call for pre-qualification in the 8 countries on 5th September 2023.

ECREEE – 3rd Call of the ECOWAS Renewable Energy Facility (EREF)

Burkina Faso
Cabo Verde
Côte d'Ivoire
The Gambia
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The third ECOWAS Renewable Energy Facility (EREF) aims to create a favourable investment and business environment which leads to accelerated deployment and use of RE&EE technologies and services in per-urban and rural areas of West Africa. This EREF call provides non-reimbursable co-funding grant for the capital expenditure in clean energy mini-grids in rural and peri-urban areas including those initiatives that support productive uses of electricity (PUE).

REA NEP Minimum Subsidy Tender

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The Mini-Grid Minimum Subsidy Tender aims to kick-start the Nigerian market and catalyze mini-grid deployment at scale. Mini-grid developers will compete on the basis of quality (technical proposal) and price (minimum subsidy requirement) to build, own, and operate solar hybrid mini-grids. The REA will provide the minimum subsidies required to the successful proposers. The REA has prioritized 57 sites to be tendered for Round 1, spread across four states: Niger, Sokoto, Ogun, and Cross River states. These sites will be packaged into lots by state, to encourage economies of scale in procurement and efficiency in operations.

Universal Energy Facility (UEF)

Sierre Leone
Democratic Republic of Congo
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The Universal Energy Facility is a multi-donor results-based financing facility that provides incentive payments to eligible organizations deploying energy solutions and providing verified end-user electricity connections (including mini-grids and solar home systems) and clean cooking solutions based on pre-determined standards.

More than 13 private sector mini-grid developers and industry associations supported the design of the Universal Energy Facility as an alternative to traditional tendering processes. Our approach is to support proven solutions and business models offered by experienced firms and organizations.

Off Grid Electricity Fund (OGEF)

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The OGEF fund was launched by the Government of Haiti and is supported by the World Bank and financed by the Clean Technology Fund and the Scaling up Renewable Energy Program in Low Income Countries (SREP). OGEF is jointly managed by Bamboo Capital Partners and the Industrial Development Fund.

NEP AfDB Productive Use Appliances & Equipment (PUE)

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The Productive Use Appliances and Equipment (PUE) Component of NEP aims to help increase the productive use of energy by facilitating the deployment of electric productive appliances and equipment in mini grid communities. Applicants will receive subsidies ranging from 30-60% off the Appliance and Equipment costs and verified transportation costs. The target grantees are Energy Access Companies (EAC) – companies providing access to electricity and electric appliances in rural and peri-urban communities powered by mini grids. Target beneficiaries are metered consumers of electricity from a mini grid.


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Powertrust helps distributed renewable energy entrepreneurs access global climate finance via D-RECs, connecting high-impact projects across emerging markets with the world’s largest corporate energy buyers.

The D-REC, or Distributed Renewable Energy Credit, is a new market instrument developed by the D-REC Initiative to create a global market for DRE. Powertrust sources, certifies, and markets D-RECs from qualified project developers, providing a single point of contact for both developers and buyers.

Register here to participate in Powertrust’s current Purchase Programs, or submit an Expression of Interest to be notified when new Purchase Programs go live.

Energy Access Relief Fund (EARF)

Côte d'Ivoire
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The Energy Access Relief Fund (EARF) has been designed to provide up to 4-year tenure, subordinated, unsecured, low-cost, subsidized loans to viable companies that are facing liquidity challenges due to COVID-19. The fund intends to focus on the smaller to mid- sized energy access companies that are addressing the needs of the bottom of the pyramid consumers and expects to make about 90-100 loans. While the fund will seek to be as inclusive as possible, its primary focus is expected to be on loans of less than $1M, within a range of $100K to $2.5M.

Energy Access Relief Fund partners and capital providers continue to work toward a first close.

Innovative Project and Financing Solutions for Powering Health

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The Shell Foundation and Odyssey’s Powering Health Platform have developed a pilot program to test health facility electrification models in Sub Saharan Africa, in cooperation with UK Aid. The overall aim is to gather data and learn from the business models and relationships from developers who are on the ground engaging in discussions on powering health facilities. These learnings will be shared with other donors in the sector who are interested in Powering Health programs at scale.

Trine C&I Debt Facility

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Dedicated financing facility for Commercial and Industrial solar projects in Nigeria.

The Nigeria Electrification Project – Solar Power Naija/5M Connections

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The Federal Government of Nigeria to support the economic recovery in response to the COVID-19 pandemic has launched an initiative as part of the Economic Sustainability Plan (ESP) to achieve the rollout of 5 million new solar connections in off-grid communities. This program is expected to generate an additional N7 billion increase in tax revenues per annum and $10 million in annual import substitution.

REA NEP Output Based Grant Program (SHS)

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Implemented in partnership with the World Bank, the SHS component of NEP aims to help capable solar providers reach more rapidly underserved Nigerian households and micro enterprises (MSMEs) and provide access to better energy services at a lower cost than their current service. The target beneficiaries are those that lack connection to energy services and do not expect a connection in a timely manner or suffer from unreliable and expensive power.

REA NEP COVID-19 Intervention Program

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This program will facilitate solar power supply to 100 isolation and treatment centers under the COVID-19 Intervention Programme of the Nigeria Electrification Project.

CEI Africa

Democratic Republic of Congo
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CEI Africa is a new finance facility aiming to increase access to affordable, reliable, and clean electricity with a focus on communities in ODA recipient countries in Sub-Saharan Africa that are not connected to the national electricity grid.
CEI Africa is a foundation incorporated by KfW on behalf of Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) providing a one-stop-shop approach to financing by offering a combination of debt, equity, RBF grants and technical assistance to support access to energy for households, small and medium sized businesses and other relevant clients, like communal amenities (e.g. health centres, schools).

CEI Africa’s results based financing window is initially EUR 21M and focused entirely on GMGs. The CEI Africa debt/equity window is initially EUR 28M to be invested alongside Crowdlenders and local financial institutions in off- grid energy companies.

GBE Côte d’Ivoire Productive Use RBF

Côte d'Ivoire
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La GBE offre aux entreprises participantes des incitations financières (un type de subventions) pour chaque équipement productif éligible dont le système d’alimentation est en énergie renouvelable, vendu et installé aux clients finaux selon une approche commerciale. Les incitations sont payées après que les ventes sont rapportées et vérifiées (approche basée sur les résultats).

Infrablocks Carbon Credits

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InfraBlocks is a forward-thinking Climate Fintech venture with a mission rooted in sustainability. IBTs purpose is to assist project developers in issuing high-quality digital carbon credits while ensuring their access to carbon finance solutions. Odyssey and InfraBlocks have recently joined forces through a strategic partnership agreement launching a Carbon Market solution.

Gender Results Based Financing for Productive Use Appliances

Sub-Saharan Africa
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The RBF pilot aims to improve gender outcomes by (1) incentivizing distributors of productive use appliances to target women, and (2) encouraging women to use productive use appliances to improve their livelihoods. This pilot will serve as a proof-of-concept to validate the value of positive gender outcomes that are produced by the adoption and use of productive use appliances and will provide crucial learnings for the sector. The pilot also aims to expand the addressable market for some of these appliance distributors by tapping into an often overlooked segment of the population for these appliances. This should enable appliance distributors to further accelerate their growth, both through new customer acquisition, and by unlocking new pools of de-risking capital that prioritize gender outcomes, which can further mobilize the commercial capital needed to scale their solutions.

India PURE Finance Facility

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Climate Policy Initiative has introduced the India PURE Finance Facility (IPFF), a pioneering initiative aimed at promoting the productive utilization of renewable energy (PURE) in rural, semi-urban, and remote areas across the country. By facilitating the transition from fossil fuel- based processes and equipment, IPFF contributes to emissions reduction while unlocking significant potential for livelihood generation, as well as social and economic development.

India Clean Energy Finance

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India Clean Energy Finance (ICEF) is a project preparation facility managed by Climate Policy Initiative in India, building on the successful completion of US-India Clean Energy Finance Facility (USICEF). ICEF is a one-of-its-kind initiative to promote applications of distributed renewable energy (DRE) by supporting early-to-mid stage development of DRE projects and scaling up of DRE businesses.

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Burkina Faso
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Cabo Verde
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Central African Republic
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Costa Rica
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Côte d'Ivoire
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Democratic Republic of Congo
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Dominican Republic
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Puerto Rico
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Republic of the Congo
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Sierra Leone
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Sierre Leone
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South Sudan
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Sri Lanka
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Sub-Saharan Africa
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The Gambia
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Solar home systems
Health electrification
Improved cooking solutions
Productive use

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