Powertrust helps distributed renewable energy entrepreneurs access global climate finance via D-RECs, connecting high-impact projects across emerging markets with the world’s largest corporate energy buyers.
Find out if you can earn extra revenue for your projects from Powertrust.
Distributed Renewable Energy Credits (D-RECs) are a new market instrument developed by the D-REC Initiative to create a global market for DRE. D-RECs enable even the smallest solar devices to participate in global environmental markets by supplying International Renewable Energy Certificates to leading corporate renewable energy buyers. The world’s largest companies purchase D-RECs through Powertrust to match their energy demand in emerging markets with renewable sources, reducing emissions across their value chains while providing finance to new high-impact projects that are displacing the dirtiest fuels and powering schools, hospitals, factories, farms, and communities where it’s needed most.
Powertrust sources, certifies, and markets D-RECs from qualified project developers, providing a single point of contact for both developers and buyers, simplifying and streamlining the process from project selection to data collection, certification, delivery, payments, and reporting.
The D-REC Initiative is a not-for-profit, multi-stakeholder, industry-led initiative. Powertrust is co-leading the D-REC Initiative with South Pole, and the Initiative is supported by:

Interested in learning more?
Please visit Powertrust’s website for updates on future financing opportunities, latest news, and sample projects.
Ready to apply?
Powertrust has two Powertrust Purchase Programs (PPPs) now live on Odyssey. If you operate in Brazil, India, Ghana, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Uganda, Cambodia, Philippines, or Vietnam, please fill out the pre-screening form for Powertrust's latest purchase program opportunities by clicking on the program names below.
PP2023-2 (Uganda): Deadline to apply is October 31, 2023
PP2023-3 (all other countries): Deadline to apply is November 30, 2023
If you do not operate in any of these countries, you may still register your interest by completing the pre-screening form for Powertrust’s Global Expression of Interest, and you will be notified when future Purchase Programs go live.
Complete the Global Expression of Interest Pre-Screening Form here.
Objectifs et Résultats
Indicateurs Usage Productif:
Entreprises (clients finaux) avec accès décentralisé à l’énergie
Entrepreneurs assistés techniquement
Institutions Sociales
Institutions sociales électrifiées
Institutions sociales appuyées ou conseillées
Cadre règlementaire
Aspect du cadre réglementaire amélioré
Promoteurs de projet d’énergies renouvelables accompagné
Projets d’énergies renouvelables soumis pour financement
Expert·e·s du secteur formé·e·s
Expert·e·s appliquant le savoir-faire acquis
Objectifs et Résultats
Entrepreneurs avec accès à l’énergie
(>30% femmes)
Entrepreneurs assistés techniquement
(>30% femmes)
Entrepreneurs recevant du crédit
Institutions Sociales
Institutions sociales électrifiées
Institutions sociales appuyées ou conseillées
Experts appliquant le savoir-faire acquis (>30% femmes)
Centres de formations avec programmes d’études améliorés
Enseignants formés (>30% femmes)
Experts formés (>30% femmes)
Aspect du cadre amélioré
Développeurs de projet soumettant
pour financement
Nombre de connexions
Villages électrifiés
Acteurs locaux
Projets par des acteurs locaux financés

Already registered?

Find out if you can earn extra revenue for your projects from Powertrust.
Distributed Renewable Energy Credits (D-RECs) are a new market instrument developed by the D-REC Initiative to create a global market for DRE. D-RECs enable even the smallest solar devices to participate in global environmental markets by supplying International Renewable Energy Certificates to leading corporate renewable energy buyers. The world’s largest companies purchase D-RECs through Powertrust to match their energy demand in emerging markets with renewable sources, reducing emissions across their value chains while providing finance to new high-impact projects that are displacing the dirtiest fuels and powering schools, hospitals, factories, farms, and communities where it’s needed most.
Powertrust sources, certifies, and markets D-RECs from qualified project developers, providing a single point of contact for both developers and buyers, simplifying and streamlining the process from project selection to data collection, certification, delivery, payments, and reporting.
The D-REC Initiative is a not-for-profit, multi-stakeholder, industry-led initiative. Powertrust is co-leading the D-REC Initiative with South Pole, and the Initiative is supported by:

Interested in learning more?
Please visit Powertrust’s website for updates on future financing opportunities, latest news, and sample projects.
Ready to apply?
Powertrust has two Powertrust Purchase Programs (PPPs) now live on Odyssey. If you operate in Brazil, India, Ghana, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Uganda, Cambodia, Philippines, or Vietnam, please fill out the pre-screening form for Powertrust's latest purchase program opportunities by clicking on the program names below.
PP2023-2 (Uganda): Deadline to apply is October 31, 2023
PP2023-3 (all other countries): Deadline to apply is November 30, 2023
If you do not operate in any of these countries, you may still register your interest by completing the pre-screening form for Powertrust’s Global Expression of Interest, and you will be notified when future Purchase Programs go live.
Complete the Global Expression of Interest Pre-Screening Form here.
You will submit required documents within the DREAM Portal of Odyssey once you have been registered.