CEI Africa launches a call for applications and technical assistance window on Odyssey

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April 6, 2023

CEI Africa launches a call for applications and technical assistance window on Odyssey

The Clean Energy and Energy Inclusion Fund for Africa launched a Call for Applications initiating the first funding cycle of the results-based financing (RBF) Window for green mini-grids in Kenya, Madagascar, DRC, Sierra Leone, Mali and Benin. CEI Africa also opened the Technical Assistance Program (TAP) covering an initial round of Technical Assistance (“TA”) offered exclusively to Green Mini Grid (GMG) developers, eligible to apply for the grant funding offered by CEI Africa’s RBF Window, to help them either meet the conditions for preparing successful applications or to support the implementation of GMGs receiving grant funding from the RBF Window.

CEI Africa has allocated EUR 21 million to the result-based financing (RBF) Window which is intended to be used by project developers to finance Green Mini Grids through RBF grants (pursuant to entering into a Grant Agreement with CEI Africa), including the provision of Technical Assistance to the GMG project developers. Call 1 covers the firm qualification phase for all countries but only Site Applications in Kenya to allow for testing and refinement of the application process before expansion to other countries next year.

Odyssey is the end-to-end application software platform for CEI Africa, learn more and register to participate:

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