CEI Africa’s new facility offers debt, equity and grants in Sub-Saharan Africa through Odyssey

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April 6, 2023

CEI Africa’s new facility offers debt, equity and grants in Sub-Saharan Africa through Odyssey

Benin, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Madagascar, Mali, Sierra Leone

CEI Africa is a new finance facility aiming to increase access to affordable, reliable, and clean electricity with a focus on communities in ODA recipient countries in Sub-Saharan Africa that are not connected to the national electricity grid.

CEI Africa is a foundation incorporated by KfW on behalf of Germany’s Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) providing a one-stop-shop approach to financing by offering a combination of debt, equity and grants to support access to energy for households, small and medium sized businesses and other relevant clients, like communal amenities (e.g. health centres, schools).

CEI Africa’s results based financing window is initially EUR 21M and focused entirely on GMGs. The CEI Africa debt/equity window is initially EUR 28M to be invested alongside Crowdlenders and local financial institutions in off- grid energy companies.

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