Odyssey partners with ECREEE to facilitate financing for mini-grids in ECOWAS

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April 6, 2023

Odyssey partners with ECREEE to facilitate financing for mini-grids in ECOWAS

Odyssey has partnered with the ECOWAS Centre for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency (ECREEE) to facilitate smart, efficient, data-driven financing of mini-grids for clean energy mini-grids in the ECOWAS region.

Program participants will use the Odyssey software tool suite to develop detailed techno-economic analyses of mini-grid projects, building load forecasts, system designs, and comprehensive financial models for review. By providing advanced modeling tools and standardizing project analytics, Odyssey is enabling ECREEE to collect critical Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for mini-grid projects, enabling streamlined comparison of project proposals and apples-to-apples comparison of project development plans.

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