Case Study: Steca Ibérica
Client: Steca Ibérica
Remote monitoring solutions
We partnered with Spain-based company Steca Ibérica to enable remote monitoring and control to support local operators and data visualization.
- Steca’s customers required a solution to visualize system performance remotely on a single screen
- Remote monitoring & control are vital to diagnose problems, change system configuration & check status of the systems
- A custom, white-label monitoring & control solution was designed to meet Steca Ibérica’s requirements
- An Odyssey data logger collects data directly from the inverters with 1 minute resolution
- System commissioning is very straight forward, requiring little technical support
- System portfolio overview from single screen to simplify O&M tasks
- Remote system configuration saves travel to site
- Intuitive user management portal
- Detailed system insights for future system design optimization

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